Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Episode 10 - A Foamy Night with LOCAL


Good grief, it's October already. Oktoberfest, pumpkin, stout beers are rolling out while local craft beer is seeing more one offs like Marshall Brewing Bound for Glory, a Belgian ale aged in bourbon barrels and Fred's Blend from Prairie. If you were lucky to get that one, cheers and enjoy the double barrel bomb.

This podcast I pulled in Kevin Douglas Hall and Heather Sams, Tulsa beer geeks that love craft beer and support local. Funny cause their group is called LOCAL. League of Oklahoman's for Change in Alcohol Laws. We sample some beers and get down to brass tax of why they want to help local craft breweries grow and how that may affect our cities.

Grab a cold one like Marshall Oktoberfest or Choctoberfest from Choc and enjoy! PROST!

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